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Gluing the traverse brace

What's next?
Of course will be gluing of the UTB and LTB.
Once that's done, the top will be consider done for now.

I just shape up the UTB and LTB a bit more and proceed to gluing.
Due to the slope at the upper bout, I had to increase the height of the go-bar deck.
But the increase wasn't really enough, I had to bend the go-bar quite a bit.

At first when I apply the go-bar the LTB went out of vertical plane.
Luckily I remember to apply it in the same plane as the strut i.e. across the top and everything went smoothly.
As a precaution I apply 2 more go-bar to keep the UTB and LTB press into the donut.

Ready for gluing

Apply the HHG

Gluing it down

Applying the go-bar

Gluing the UTB

Apply the go-bar

Side view make sure they are glued down vertically to the top plane.

Another view. The 2 go-bar in front is to ensure the UTB pop against the donut.

Another view

What's next? That will be carving the LTB and UTB.
I simply use the small violin making plane to do the carving.
They worked great.

After releasing from the go-bar deck

Carving the profile of the traverse brace

Sanding them smooth.

The finished top.

End view

Oblique angle

Side view

Front oblique view

The final top weighs about 189.2g.
Well I thought the carving of the brace will reduce it further but it's ok.
It already reached my target of under 200g.
When I further trim the sides of the TB and the perimeter of the top, it probably will be in the range of 187g.


Here is some taptone of the top.
The first is tapping at the bridge region.
2nd clip is tapping at the waist region: where the LTB's open aperture is.
and then at the junction at the outer fan brace and the closing brace.
then followed by some random hits all around.

Bridge area
Waist & LB

Final weight after trimming the ends of the UTB and LTB: 187.2
Not bad.
Final weight of top 187.2

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